CPD Providers

CPD Providers

Our registered specialists are required to participate in the CPD activities organized by the Registered CPD Content Providers (“RCCP”) to attain CPD credit hours. The credit hours will be counted based on the course content, level of difficulty and its relevance. The list of courses/seminars/activities can be found in our IAEA website. The content will be updated under irregular basis. The registrants are encouraged to check our website for CPD contents. Details of application process and number of vacancy, please check our website at http://www.iaea.co.


In order to synchronize the framework of the CPD items, the RCCP should satisfy the following criteria –

  • Content materials should be delivered by IAEA RCCP;
  • Contents should be sent to IAEA for documentation and approval;
  • Learning objective(s) of courses/seminars/activities;
  • The learning environment should be suitable for attaining the learning objectives


CPD courses/seminars/activities are classified into the areas as follows:

  • Technical
  • Communication
  • Management
  • General